"How do you know? Did you count them?"

"I count them every evening, when you come home; I hear you going down to your girl-friend, in the basement, and I count the eighteen thumps your feet make on the steps."

"Why do you do that?"

"Because I am so annoyed..."

"Why are you annoyed?"

"Because you are going down to the basement, to sleep with your girl-friond."

"That girl-friend?

You're my girl-friend, aren't you?"

She shuddered in her rumpled bed, remembering. bed, remembering. Sho could feel, once again, the intimate caresses, and the kiss. She recalled the feeling of elation and fulfilled desire. It came back to her, real and overpowering. She jumped up and ran to the little table in the kitchenette, and poured herself another drink...a stiff one.

Then she dressed herself in her very best clothes. She wont out, locking the door carefully after her.

The atmosphere in the tavern was cozy, on a rainy afternoon in Manhattan. A few early drinkers had arrived; but she ignored them. She walked to the very ond of the bar and slipped onto a stool. Then she returned the smile of

the beefy-faced man who was watching her.

"Well, if it ain't little Thelma! I thought you forgot all about us."

"No, Willie; I never forget my old friends. You know that."

"You an't been here in a long time, Thelma, I was beginning to think you moved, or something..."

Willie. I was getting

"Oh, I gave up drinking for awhile, Willie. too fat."